
Cinnamon Rolls

To make up for the fact that I didn't post yesterday (it was a reasonable excuse I promise...I had no computer access :D), I am posting this: Here is a super super good cinnamon roll recipe straight from Cinnabon. I highly reccommend it!

Rolls/Cinnamon Rolls


flour- 3 1\2 to 4 c

yeast- 1 package

salt- 3\4 t

margarine- 1\4 c.

egg- 1

very hot water- 3\4 c.

sugar 1\4 c.

375 degrees 20-25 minutes or until done-1 dozen rolls


1. in a large mixing bowl measure and set aside flour.

2. In a large bowl combine 1 c. of the flour and yest, sugar, and salt.

3. Blend in margarine with pastry blender.

4. Stir in hot water until margarine melts into dough evenly.

5. Stir in egg.

6. Congtinue adding the reast of the flour until it can no longer be stirred into batter (dough).

7. Empty dough onto lightly floured counter and knead 5 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Work in flour using no more than the orignial 4 c. total from step #1.

8. Shape by dividing dough into 13 pieces and placing in buttered pan as shaped. Let rise. Backe.


9. Roll dough into large rectangle about baking sheet size. Bruch 2 T. melted butter onto dough. sprinkle mixture of 1 c. brown sugar and 1 t. cinnamon over buttered dough. ll up. Slice into 12 rolls. Place in buttered 9" x 9" x 2" pan. Let rise and bake.

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